Vampire GirL

{April 11, 2008}   I wonder!!!!!!

I just wonder sometimes ,why do people bother themselves & do Blogs??!!They make an effort & take a lot of time to write these posts ..Also there are some people who do more than writing..they Put Photos ,videos & much more that jsut expressing themselves..At least that is my opinion!!
As for me,I think I made a blog when I found that i don’t have a close friend to talk to sometimes,or to express how I feel…But What about people who write about their Best friends & may be put pictures of them ,& write about their girlfriends/boyfriends,or even their lovers.
My point of view is that ,iF u can find that special person,why do u bother urself & lose all that time just to write about things that happen in ur day or in ur life when u can just tell ur best friend about it ?? u can save more time & effort with that !!!!
I once got the conclusion that there is nothing called BEST FRIENDS & that all the people in our lifes are people we spend sometimes with them in order not to be alone…Does this action of the blog wiriting thing prove my thoughts?!!!
Do people after having friends that they call their Best Budies still need to express themselves they still fell that they miss something or someone ?!!!
Or it is just that they like writing & expressing themselves for no other reason??
Will I find an answer!!
I wonder!!!

et cetera