Vampire GirL

{July 4, 2008}   Some thoughts about today

I just came from a nice birthday…I just loveeeeeee the Birthday girl very much..she is so cute & so sweet …I just love her without a reason…I know  she doesn’t love me exactly the same way BUt still i love her..
I love her smile & I love her angelic face…she is really a daughter of god…She deserve the best in everything..Plz God take care of her..& Bless all her life……………….that’s about the birthday…finished with it.

Let’s talk a little about whom I wanted to call all day long & I didn’t at the end:S
I don’t know why I didn’t …I don;t know why it is being that weired …it used to be very easy to call him & he to call me & talk with me & joke with me…I know I don’t Love him…I just want to get the one whom I  used to talk to & joke with him a little bit more than the others..
Although we r totally different characters…I found in him someone that I can talk to ..but after some time also I realized that I can’t talk to him about everything ..coz he don’t talk to me to listen ..he just talks when he don’t have someone to talk to …or when his other friends are busy …so why not have a litlle chat with someone in order not to feel alone…!!
He is not a bad guy,he has a lot of good things that I love about him & also he has some things that I don’t like …everyone has his own faults..But he is definetly not the perfect guy for me…
First of all ,I believe that “a Good listener can’t be a Good talker & a Good Talker can’t be a Good listener”
He is a Good talker,& I think I am a Good he can’t be a good listener to listen to me & I can’t be a good talker as he …so i think that is one big difference..
I just want to figure out what went wrong ?!!why did he change in dealing with me !!& why did I change too!!!!!!I sometimes just can’t talk to him in front of people,while on the phone for example i can talk for more than an hour…He does the same sometimes….He can talk on the phone for a vey long time & turn from one topic to another ,while in front of people I feel as if he don’t know me…or I feel that he don’t want people to know that we talk a lot or we are good friends…
MAY BE we r not good friends at the end….& I just feel that we r But that is how he deal with all or at least most of his friends….& I just don’t mean to him anything except a SUBSTITUTE for him when some of his friends are busy for him or are not around.

I just don’t know..& I need not to think…I have to stopppppppppppp…& I decided i will.


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