Vampire GirL

At some point in my life ,I realized that whatever number of people u can know,Don’t call anybody a friend.
Because “FRIENDS” is a big word that seems NoBody knows what does it mean ,specially now-a-days.
You can call him/her a colleague or a person that u know or someone to spend nice time with…that’s why don’t expect too much from him/her…coz they r just some persons in ur life,in a special time of it ,& then …..
I feel so bad that I am the one saying these words, coz I used to BELIEVE in friends very much & I really trusted so many,& considered so many my friends & sometimes my BEst friends.BUT UNFORTUNATLY,every time it ends up the same way…getting me down to earth !!!!!
Some people say about me that I am too sensitive person,but the strange thing that happen is that I didn’t find only I friend that is sensitive like me or that cares about me like I used to care about many friends.
I wonder if the problem is with me not with them!!!!!!
I return to ask myself: what do I do wrong in dealing with friends ??
Most of the time I don’t ask for too much…may be the only thing that I sometimes want ,is to have at least ONE person only in my life to call him/her MY Best Friend…& He or she also call me his/Her Best friend…OF course I don’t ask people for this ..But is that too much for a  person like me??!!!!Is that a hard thing to find these days?!!!!!
Through my 13 years of school & almost 4 years of college now,I didn’t find a best friend except for 2 persons in my life that were best friends for me But only for a short time .& I then now we r just friends that don’t see each very often & we don’t have something common between us nowadays except our childhood memories…

I like the quote which says:”A friend worth your tears, will never make you cry “….But this means that all my life I didn’t find someone really to call A Friend…& it seems I never will…& I don’t want to search for more friends…it is enough what I had!!
I hate being or feeling desperate!!!I really hate the feeling…

et cetera