Vampire GirL

{August 21, 2008}   So lonely..& Need Help!!

Is that a bad luck or what ?!!!Am I that bad ???….don’t I deserve only one person in my life whom I can trust ??? Don’t I deserve only one friend that i can call my best friend ??or even my close friend??

AM I that bad in making friends ?? or it is only bad luck??
I really love people & I like making friends.I care about them & appreciate them.
I like to help them & stand by them & if I can do anything to them even if that thing is against my benefit..
I don’t say that I am the best person ever or that I am the best friend any one can ever have..But Also I am not asking for so much…I am asking for only 1 friend to carea about me..
Only 1 to be my Best friend that I can trust & share everything with him/her…
Only 1 that when I need to go out with someone ,I don’t need to go alone or ask from many people who are not free for me..

I know that Nobody can take everything in the world at the same time…
I know that I may Know a lot of people that someone may envy me for that..BUt At the end of the day,when I am really down or needs some support ,I don’t find someone to help me 😦
PLZ God, I am not asking for too much..Only i person is whom I need..If u will not send me a partner now,& it is still not the suitable time…Then plz send me a friend to support me & stand by me..

I know I don’t give u all ur rights..& I am sorry for that ..
I am trying to be better..But I need ur help very much.

et cetera