Vampire GirL

{August 22, 2010}   Rejected Heart…

I have always been inspired by Quotes of famous people & Quotes from movies & so on…But for the first time in my life
I feel now that all these Quotes are just Words !

They don’t mean more or less than words that are too Ideal to be applied !
I don’t know why I am saying this or why I feel like that..or may be I do but not sure or don’t what to spit it out!!

I have a strange feeling of being “rejected” or in other words not loved nor hated ! …just rejected .

I Do Care about people & I do love them but I realized something that may be a big Negative point in me..I can’t love or give without a little bit of return!

I can’t love for the sake of  love!……( although that is one of the simpliest  Commandements that God ordered us to do)
I can’t keep on giving without the other person that I give ,gives me. (even if it is less but it may be enough for me).
Although I know that it is better ” not to fall in love” at all Than having a” Broken Heart “but I still want Love.!
Also I am sure that me being a sensitive person may break me down to pieces if I fell in love for the wrong person or the wrong time..I still can’t stop thinking about wanting someone badly & Thinking (even for a while..) for every person I meet & like , if he can be suitable for me as a partner or not!!

God,I do trust you as u say ..That you may be doing this for my own sake not anyone esle…& you may be protecting me from many things that i may not be able to stand or Handle…But Sometimes I can’t stop thinking & u know it. I know that is partially my problem because I stopped being occupied by you from the inside as before..But, 
You Know I am a Weak person ,I can’t do anything on my own !!! Please help me ! Or Send me someone to Help me.

et cetera