Vampire GirL

{March 23, 2008}   I am sorry!!!

    May be I am wrong in how I deal with u mum,I don’t know why I do this …While I am in need of someone to talk to & I don;t find this in any of my friends ….I don’t know why I don’t find it at ease to talk to u sometimes about how I feel sometimes towards any one…I may have told u that no he is just my best friend…but I just resisted to uncover anything I may feel ..I may have openend my heart a little..why not ?!!BUt I didn’t want u to focus on someone..or to put him in mind….so I just keept on DENYING..       OH my GOD:(.. I am so bad in this…I will never be a good mum…I think that what I am doing right now ,will be done with me in the same way & may be worse!!!!!!!
BUT I don’t know if u deserve that or not…I don’t know if what I am doing now was because u did that with ur mother or it is just ME I am the special case ??!!
But I think too that God is a Fair God that he will not give u something that u will not deserve…

      May be that is not true at all …& I am just saying that trying to find an expalanation of why I am doing this .

{March 15, 2008}   Some Facts about me

While I was just surfing & checking random blogs,I decided to write something new  in my blog:).I just wondered how many people can just go on & write things in details that happens in their day.I sometimes can’t keep track of my thoughts as I am a kind of person who thinks so muchhhh….(which i really hate about myself sometimes) .
I don’t have the gift of writing (I mean poems or stories)…I just improvise sometimes ..just express myself in simple words not more.
I wish i had that gift,coz I am a kind of person who don’t talk easily with friends about something that is bothering me …or I don’t get out what’s inside of me to anybody…So I wished I had the gift of writing to express myself more, But thank god anyways.
I sometimes even don’t know what are the gifts that I am gifted with !!!I which I could know that..
I used to love drawing a lot when I was a child,& my Grandparents used to encourage me . But, after high school I nearly stopped drawing, except for some drawings for some disney characters that I sometimes still love to draw .
Also ,I used to play the piano …I used to get my ” Casio keyboard”(which i still have but didn’t touch for a long time !!)& start to hear a song for some time & then improvise to try to get it on my own..that used to be good..
I  played tennis when I was a kid..but that didn’t last long..I also took swimming lessons ,which I used to loveeee very much & I was really good at it :)….I remember that my coach was about to encourage me to join water ballet school but it needed a lot of training & my mother wasn’t able to drop me off there that often because of her work ..while my father was travelling at that time ..
I  used to love my coach …he was a sweeet guy that I still remember his name although that  was about 13 years ago…(wow that’s a long time ago!!)Sometimes u don’t realize that u r that old,& that all these years past by you….
I wish I had completed traning of any of these sports ,at least one of them would have been my hobby right now!!

that’s enough for now…I think  I willl complete later

{March 14, 2008}   Which Disney Character am I ?
Which Disney Character is your Alter Ego?
created with
You scored as The BeastYour alter ego is The Beast! But that is only a name… you are kind hearted and sweet, people just misunderstand you.

The Beast
Sleeping Beauty
Peter Pan
Snow White
Donald Duck
Cruella De Ville

At some point in my life ,I realized that whatever number of people u can know,Don’t call anybody a friend.
Because “FRIENDS” is a big word that seems NoBody knows what does it mean ,specially now-a-days.
You can call him/her a colleague or a person that u know or someone to spend nice time with…that’s why don’t expect too much from him/her…coz they r just some persons in ur life,in a special time of it ,& then …..
I feel so bad that I am the one saying these words, coz I used to BELIEVE in friends very much & I really trusted so many,& considered so many my friends & sometimes my BEst friends.BUT UNFORTUNATLY,every time it ends up the same way…getting me down to earth !!!!!
Some people say about me that I am too sensitive person,but the strange thing that happen is that I didn’t find only I friend that is sensitive like me or that cares about me like I used to care about many friends.
I wonder if the problem is with me not with them!!!!!!
I return to ask myself: what do I do wrong in dealing with friends ??
Most of the time I don’t ask for too much…may be the only thing that I sometimes want ,is to have at least ONE person only in my life to call him/her MY Best Friend…& He or she also call me his/Her Best friend…OF course I don’t ask people for this ..But is that too much for a  person like me??!!!!Is that a hard thing to find these days?!!!!!
Through my 13 years of school & almost 4 years of college now,I didn’t find a best friend except for 2 persons in my life that were best friends for me But only for a short time .& I then now we r just friends that don’t see each very often & we don’t have something common between us nowadays except our childhood memories…

I like the quote which says:”A friend worth your tears, will never make you cry “….But this means that all my life I didn’t find someone really to call A Friend…& it seems I never will…& I don’t want to search for more friends…it is enough what I had!!
I hate being or feeling desperate!!!I really hate the feeling…

{March 3, 2008}   Down to earth!!!!!!

Don’t depend on people …no matter what …they will let u down.
Even the ones that u may consider special to u or u may consider close matter what…they will let u down at least once or twice or may be more than that….The Bible was really true when he said “Those who will depend on another man  shall be damned…”


et cetera