Vampire GirL

{May 18, 2008}   Help Me God!!
Traveling down life’s daily road
It’s apparent to me at times
That I need to stop and ask myself
What is the truth I want to find?
For we get all tangled up it seems
In life’s misfortunes and mistakes
We often see ourselves as victims
Not realizing what turns we can take
It’s not easy to be the kind of person
We really want and hope to be
Our expectations get confusing
It’s happened more than once to me

The road might seem pretty straight
But we never know when we’ll find
A sharp turn right in the midst of our path
It’s like our soul becomes sort of blind

But I truly think God has a plan for us
So we DO have to stop once in awhile
If we stop and count our blessings
We’ll find plenty of reasons for a smile

We have to pause and ask for guidance
On this long and often weary road
And when our life seems too much to bear
We can ask God to help carry our load!

Marilyn Lott




et cetera